“The importance of dreams
is to live them”

Juan Antonio Ruíz "ESPARTACO"

“The importance of dreams
is to live them”

Juan Antonio Ruíz "ESPARTACO"


What is Dehesa Majavieja?

Dehesa Majavieja is the result of Juan Antonio Ruiz “Espartaco”’s love, respect and gratefulness to the brave bull.

Juan Antonio Ruiz “Espartaco” grew up since being a child fighting for a dream, and he built a before and afterwards between him and the future in the bull fighting world.

He started his professional life at 12. Became number one on bullfighting record of days bullfighted and trophees gotten during eight complete campaigns, seven of them consecutive, something never achieved by anyone again since. With an exceptional knowledge of bulls and their workabout, and a devastating fame inside and outside the ring, he maintained his extense professional carreer for twenty five years, crowned with a world wide legendary recognition.

He retires in 2015 in Seville’s Royal Maestranza and since then, lives for and with the brave bull breed in Dehesa Majavieja.

He founded his own breeding brand in 1993 and up to date he dedicates his life to it.

Let yourself drown in the history, the nature and the legend in a magical surrounding in the depths of the natural and wild park of the North Mountain range of Seville.

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  • Highway SE-198. Km. 3 | Constantina- SEVILLE
  • 30 minutes from Seville Airport
  • 10 minutes from Lora del Río Station (Seville)
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